Adoption is not yet legal for Parsis in India

Adoption is not yet legal for Parsis in India

By Noshir H. Dadrawala

Very recently I received a query from a Parsi Zoroastrian couple desiring to adopt a child from an adoption agency. As would be the case with any such agency, the parentage of the child would not be disclosed to the adopting couple. The possibility of the child to be adopted being of Parsi Zoroastrian lineage would, of course, be very remote. This Parsi Zoroastrian couple was very anxious whether adopting such a child would be legal. They went on to ask me whether the child would be considered a Parsi Zoroastrian after the Navjote ceremony would be performed at the appropriate time.

This article is written with complete objectivity and keeping in mind others who may be contemplating such adoption. Also, this has not been written from an orthodox or reformist standpoint. It is an impartial gaze at adoption in India from a legal perspective. I apologize in advance to those Parsi Zoroastrians who have already adopted such children. My intention is not to cause hurt, but, to create awareness and help people exercise informed choice.

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  • Indeed a very well knoweldgable presentation from a well known personality in legal and finance who has always been my honourable personality …. Mr.Noshir Dadrawala. Sir thank you…. very short but direct presntation to understand well on the subject.

  • Very well written and clearly presented. Noshir how are you doing? Still going to Iran every year for the historical trips?

  • Arnoz Daruwala

    Since 2015, under Government of India adoption act of CARA, The Parsi parents can adopt legally.. plz remove this article as it’s creating a lot of misconceptions

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