2014 Conference of the Society of Scholars of Zoroastrianism (SSZ)


All Zoroastrians and friends, students, scholars, priests and interfaith communities are invited and encouraged to participate.

 2014 Conference 

of the

Society of Scholars of Zoroastrianism (SSZ)

proudly hosted by

Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Chicago

supported by

Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America (FEZANA)

at the

Arbab Rustom Guiv Darbe Mehr,
8615 Meadowbrook Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527,


Saturday September 6, 2014

8:30 am – 5:00 pm

8:30 am:          Registration & Breakfast

9:30 am:          Benediction by Mobedyar Bomi Damkevala, Monajat by Mani Rao,

Welcome by ZAC President Er. Rayomand Ravji.

Dedication of Conference to (Late) Keki Bhote.

Next Generation speakers:  Dr. Persis Driver (“Phenology Network”), Er. Rayomand Ravji (“Tushnamaiti”) and Khursheed Ichaporia (“Gahambars”).

Dr. Pallan Ichaporia – “Scriptural Understanding of the Gathas.”

Kersee Kabraji – “A Gathic View of Zoroastrianism.”

1:00 pm           Lunch

Presentation by Dan Sheffield, in abstentia:
Bhonu Prakash – Zoroastrians and Food in Historical Perspective.”

Award presentation: honoring Joseph Peterson for his dedication and service.

2:00 pm           Kersee Kabraji – “A Gathic View of Zoroastrianism” (contd.).

                        Dastoor Dr. Kersey Antia – “Spenta Armaiti in Zoroastrianism.”

                        Wouter Henkelman – “The Royal Table of the Achemenids.”

Next Generation panel discussion:
Visioning the Future of Zoroastrian Practice in North America.”

5:00 pm           Adjourn

Registration.  Suggested donation is $10.  Breakfast, lunch and tea will be provided.  Please RSVP by August  30, 2014 to Dinaz Weber (630-830 3430, kenanddina @yahoo.com).  For program information contact Rohinton Rivetna (630-325 5383, rivetna@ aol.com) or Kayomarsh Mehta (630-654 8828, kayomehta@aol.com) and visit www.s-s-z.org.

The Society of Scholars of Zoroastrianism (SSZ) is dedicated to promoting learning and imparting one’s knowledge to others.  As Zoroastrians, it is our obligation to be enlightened about our religion: Yasnaai-cha (proper understanding), vahmaai-cha (necessary contemplation), khshnaothraai-cha (gaining knowledge) and fra-sastayae-cha (imparting knowledge to others).



  • What have we as Zarathushtis come to? First, we form a society, then we name it ‘The Society of Scholars of Zoroastrianism’ and then, in our infinite wisdom call upon behdins, and a disowned mobed (by Cama Athornan Institute for espousing heretic ideas on conversion), to act as scholars of our religion and have them give lectures on the “Understanding of the Gathas and Gathic Views about Zoroastrianism” – if this is not convoluted thinking, then what is? If a behdin has a doctorate in Business Administration, and yes… some post graduate work on Iranian languages, he should not automatically be perceived as a scholar of our religion. Isn’t it? Publishing some articles and books doesn’t make one a scholar. No matter, how you slice it or dice it, when you call this a conference of Society of Scholars of Zoroastrianism, it is imperative to have Scholar Priests to be an integral part of this kind of conference. The sad part is, notwithstanding this utterly weird framework and questionable speaker profiles of this so called conference, we may see several ‘lost and weak-brained’ parsees attend this kind of function from as far as Toronto and other places, and they end up coming out of it with fragments of questionable interpretation of our Gathas and therefore, potentially false interpretation of our religion. It’s obvious that when you call for a panel discussion on ‘Visioning the future of Zoroastrianism practice in North America’ with literally no REAL Zarathushti priest scholar, and as if that’s not enough, have a barred mobed who encourages proselytism, is there any wonder that the resulting outcome of that discussion is none other than providing implicit or explicit suggestions to the audience that there is a terrible need to have certain urgent reforms to the age-old practices of our religion? This is undoubtedly a very deceiving ploy to brainwash gullible parsees in North America. Shame on you guys! Yours truly, Ervad Jal Dastur Mississauga, ON

    Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 09:43:46 +0000 To: jaldastur@hotmail.com

  • Dear Yazdi, Kindly note that my earlier e-mail was in response to the posting about the conference of SSZ – trust you will post this ASAP. many thanks. Regards, Jal Dastur Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 09:43:46 +0000 To: jaldastur@hotmail.com

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