Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Guiness Record Holding Zoroastrian Woman’s Journey

What one word comes to mind when you think Crochet, Charity and Achievement? Zoroastrian.

I’ve grown up with an immensely talented Bapaiji who created beautiful things throughout her Guiness-Certificate-300x400life and which was her livelihood. And as is tradition, she imparted the knowledge of her arts to my mum Behroz Sam Wadia and me as a schoolgirl. So creating is in my blood and my mum’s (my Mamaiji was very creative too). For the both of us and more so my mother, any phase when we’re not crocheting, doing some cross stitch project, making a toran or just doing anything creative with our hands is a phase of restlessness and discomfort. My mum often complains, kantalo aavech, jiv ghabraich … su banau? And goes quickly from one project to another. So this movement was like manna from heaven. We started whole heartedly, sometimes getting frustrated when the elusive 40 inches just didn’t happen inspite of what seemed like endless crocheting. But we made our 2 blankets each and felt like we’d achieved something fabulous. Of course the Guiness World Record was a huge draw. I mean, to achieve something so prestigious by doing something wonderfully simple that we love to do … no brainer that. And as a tribute to my Bapaiji, I wore a ‘kor’ embroidered by her to the final event so in that small way she could be a part of this achievement.

Gover Allamurad Khushnami from Dadar Parsi Colony is 73 years old and runs a general store. Her long standing hobby is to sit at the store in the evenings and crochet caps and sweaters. Her eyesight is failing but her fingers are deft and practiced and she not only completed her 2 blankets but also took away her daughter Mahnaz Shapur Faroodi’s blanket to complete. She just didn’t want to stop and regrets the fact that she found out about the movement too late to contribute more. Mahnaz, who has been teaching since 21 years at the DPYA School, most definitely inherited the love of crochet from her mother and makes quite a few things herself whilst juggling the very demanding life of a school teacher and an LIC Agent. Crocheting her 2 blankets was pure joy for her and her mother and they’re eager for and open to any such future projects.

Click Here for the full story from Parsi Khabar