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Dallas Cancer Patient

A plea for help!

A fellow Zartushti needs your prayers and help.   An Iranian Zartushti family residing in the Dallas area has been dealt a major life challenge and needs your financial help. The young wife and mother of an 11 year old has been diagnosed with a bad case of Meningioma, which is a brain tumor and needs a complex operation to have it removed.  This operation requires a team of experts and will be very costly.   Her operation has been scheduled for the day before Christmas. She will be spending Christmas and  New Year away from her family in a hospital and will not be able to work for a minimum of six weeks.  She will also require extensive post surgery medical follow-up.

This family had left Iran thru the refugee program; they have partial medical coverage but will not have any stable source of income for the next several months. Additionally, their extensive “out of pocket”, “deductibles” and “uncovered” medical bills are piling up.

Zoroastrians are world renowned for their charity and love of mankind. Let’s maintain our philanthropist reputation and help this family in their hour of need.  FEZANA and ZANT have worked an arrangement whereby donors can conveniently donate online to “FEZANA welfare fund”.

Please enter “Dallas Cancer Patient” in the comments area, which will benefit this family. Click on or use the following URL:

http://www.fezana. org/cart/ index.php? main_page= index&cPath=11_10&zenid=4318d81d1572b d4d433a8fe222fe4 253

Or alternatively make out your check payable to “FEZANA welfare fund” and in the memo indicate: for the benefit of the “Dallas Cancer Patient” and mail it out to:  

FEZANA 33 Preamble Drive,
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Please help, no amount is too small. 

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