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Parzor Exhibition at the Congress by Dr Shernaz Cama

Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that Parzor will be putting up the Parzor Textile Exhibition at the Congress in Dubai.
This will comprise of four cultures – the Persian, Chinese, Indian and European, truly a Heritage of Humanity.
We know that several Zoroastrian homes contain things of historical value and perhaps more important, many of our elders carry memories so Parzor encourages them to share details/items. In Calcutta, an especially interesting pair of sapat, donated for the exhibition, taught about the Parsi textile links with Afghanistan and the Silk Route. In Hong Kong, they learnt about the Parsi settlement in Chameen, China. In this way, community research benefits.
As the Congress will be a mega event, we request you to circulate this information to your family and friends and those members who are interested in sharing details/showcasing items are requested to send Parzor photos or scans of those textiles or accessories of interest, so that Parzor can choose the most unusual for the Parzor Textile Exhibition at the Congress in Dubai. Parzor’s team consists of textile experts and they assure that great care will be taken while displaying the textiles. So please mail your photos to  and .
Kind Regards,
Meher Bhesania

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