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ZTFE Webinar – Knowledge-Evaluation-Action

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Dear ONES,

We express our gratitude to our kind speakers and their teams for all the good work they have achieved.

Since this dialogue is aimed to highlight all the concepts that the Faiths guide us regarding Progressing Together with Each Other and With Nature Sustainably – it includes concepts from the COP 26 meeting and the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 

This meeting is strategically positioned between the Parliament of the World’s Religions and COP26 under UK Presidency with friends of COP from different countries

Please click here to join the symposium using the passcode: harmony 

Please share this email with all in your network to build the network of good thoughts, good words and good action.

Gratitude also to the President of the ZTFE Mr. Malcolm M. Deboo for his kind support and leadership of this event.



To join click on the poster below or the full link underneath 



Sunday: 24 October 2021   (4pm UK, 8am PST, 11am EST, 8.30pm India)

Please click here to join the zoom session which is beingco-hosted with Yazdi Tantra

Passcode: harmony

Symposium hosted by the
Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe

Towards COP 26

Titled ‘Knowledge – Evaluation – Action’  – for  Progressing Together Sustainably in Peace and Harmony (with each other and Nature)

to further Inter-Faith sharing and Inter-Generational dialogue with a Multi-disciplinary approach.

Sunday: 24 October 2021   (4pm UK, 8am PST, 11am EST, 8.30pm India)

Please click here to join the zoom session which is being co-hosted with Yazdi Tantra

Passcode: harmony


  1. We aim to discuss Sustainable Ecology involving people’s interactions with Nature and with each other
  2. to share the wisdom of the Senior and the promise of the future generation from each Faith
  3. promote dialogue between Scientists, Medical Professionals, people of all Faiths (and none),Educators, technologists, those in Governance and Law, Transport, Energy Transformation and the Community.

We acknowledge the idea as understood from all Faiths and Philosophies– that we have the responsibility through making good responsible choices (individually and collectively) towards sustainably progressing forward together while building Peace, Harmony, trust and well-being.

We give recognition to the challenges faced and sacrifices made by the core-workers – (including in the NHS, in the Legal System, essential services and all other services) especially during COVID-19 and give gratitude for the same.

We aim to discuss a JOINT VISION to understand, appreciate and value the wisdom we have in different Faiths and different domains of Knowledge and how those concepts can be applied together in line with the 17 United Nations Sustainable development Goals.

With much respect and gratitude

Mr. Malcolm M. Deboo (ZTFE President) and

Dr. Karishma Koka (Founder of the Webinar Symposium) +44 7988613437, +44 208 3469760

  1. Keynote speech for 25 minutes by Rashneh Pardiwala (PhD) followed by question answer session
  2. Inter-Generational sharing by Panellists representing each of the Faiths on vision from their background/experience for up to four minutes (Elders) or three minutes (Younger) on

‘What does your Faith guide regarding the significance of a multi-dimentional approach to evaluating choices for resource-sharing and progressing together sustainably.

3. ‘Invitees’ will share for two minutes information on a collaborative  Project  towards any aspect of ‘Resource Sharing, Nurturing each other and Nature’.

4. Dialogue and sharing of thoughts and question answer session between all present

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