Monthly Archives: August 2012

Zoroastrians Reach Out to the Sikh Community

Zoroastrians in North America Reach Out In Solidarity to the Sikh Community
Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America (FEZANA) and its member associations and the whole North American Zoroastrian community are shocked to hear the terrible news of the heinous shooting activity at Milwaukee Gurdwara on August 5, 2012.

We were shocked to hear that a suspect opened fire on the innocent worshippers when a reading of the scripture was in progress. Indeed, this is a troubling day not only forĀ  Sikh-Americans, but for all peace loving Americans.

The Zoroastrian community offers our heartfelt condolences to the affected families and the congregation of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin and the wider Sikh community.

Katayun Kapadia
FEZANA President
Rohinton Rivetna & Homi D. Gandhi
Co-Chairs, FEZANA Interfaith Activities Committee

Click Here for the Press Release