Suggestions to improve BPP’s info regarding paidust in Mumbai

The Bombay Parsi Panchayat has been posting paidust information in Mumbai on their website effective 03-Jul-2009. Though this information has been a valuable resource, it suffers from the following deficiencies:

(a)  Detailed information is not available for the period 03-Jul-2009 to 16-Dec-2009.

(b)  The ‘select’ function provides an alphabetical listing based on first names of the deceased whereas it would be more appropriate if this were based on surnames of the deceased. I have compiled the most relevant information, sourced from using the above mentioned guidelines and have attached the same to this message. I request you to post this on your blogpost with the hope that authorities at Bombay Parsi Panchayat will take notice and effect remedial action at the earliest.

With regards,

Rohinton E. Kadva, Bangalore

Parsi deaths in Mumbai effective 03-Jul-2009


One comment

  • The comments are reflecting a genuine difficulty which needs to be addressed. I tried to connect to and, both do not seem to be responding.

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